I try to keep this website light-hearted, but how can anyone ignore the same-sex marriage debate going on in our state right now?
If you've been paying attention to the news, the Tar Heel state just took a big step towards losing its status as the last state in the Southeast to be without a Constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman. In case you weren't clear, same-sex marriages are currently illegal in North Carolina. Adding an amendment to the state's constitution would just reiterate that ban. An amendment would also likely ensure future difficulties for lawmakers to extend marriage rights to same sex couples. Domestic partnership rights are also at stake. People on both sides of the issue have been crying out. Protests are going on in the streets. People are getting fired up on social media sites. And eventually, people will likely take their plights to the polls in May. [The Senate voted 30-16 Tuesday to let voters decide in the May primaries whether the state Constitution should ban same-sex marriage. The House approved the measure Monday, 75 to 42.] I covered this exact issue in Missouri in 2004. The Show-Me state was the first state to ban gay marriage after Massachusetts legalized same-sex weddings. A lot of eyes were on Missouri back then. At the time, proponents of same-sex marriage kept bringing up the issue of civil rights... just as it is being brought up currently in North Carolina. I remember interviewing a reverend in Missouri before the big vote. He was unique because he was a gay rights advocate and a reverend of a fairly popular church in conservative Springfield. He claimed that in 50 years, the nation would be embarrassed of its anti-gay movements. He said in a few decades, we'd all deny any support of anti-gay movements, just as people are now in denial of ever being racist during the Civil Rights Era. He said during the Civil Rights Movement, a good portion of society made the argument that blacks and whites shouldn't marry because it was against God's will. The reverend said he'd be hard pressed to find a person in present-day society who would admit to that old way of racist thinking. Do you think he has a valid point? Regardless of your stance, people are gearing up for a tough battle. We will likely endure several months of heated debates... and thereafter. There will also be people who are against supporting an amendment simply because they don't want to make changes to a sacred document, such as our Constitution. As a journalist, I wonder how we'll view this debate in 50 years. I wonder how it will be written in our history books. I wonder what our grandchildren will think of this time period. Will our country look back and call this our last Civil Rights Era? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Ransom Ivey
9/14/2011 03:37:39 am
that is exactly what it is
Madonna Edgar
9/14/2011 03:38:04 am
Yes, because... All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Cole Gaskins
9/14/2011 03:56:31 am
You're kidding right? How do you even compare the two? Judging someone because of their skin color was just plain wrong, judging someone because of their hatred of God is another.
Ransom Ivey
9/14/2011 03:56:47 am
who mentioned hatred of God?
Clint Bullock Cole
9/14/2011 03:57:04 am
that's a logical leap of epic proportions.
Cole Gaskins
9/14/2011 04:05:40 am
Last time I checked the Bible God really hated sex with your fellow gender. Would you like the chapters and verses?
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 04:06:04 am
We all bleed the same color blood, Therefore we should all have the same rights. What a person does behind closed doors has no bearings on what that person does on the other side of the door. A Gay Person is no less a Person than a Straight Person. They love the same, They have friends the same, They hold jobs the same, They go to school the same, Time to quit judging Others just because they are not just like you. Accept that diversity in People is what makes us Human.
Cole Gaskins
9/14/2011 04:06:28 am
I would question whether he is a true pastor.
Ransom Ivey
9/14/2011 04:06:59 am
so God hates sex with fellow genders but that doesn't mean anyone has a hatred of God.
Lawrence A. Canning
9/14/2011 04:07:39 am
Dear Michelle, this comment is a staple of many comedians... Why not let the alternative lifestyle folks be as MISERABLE as the married folks. Let em get hitched...LOL
Cole Gaskins
9/14/2011 04:07:59 am
Why don't you media folks interview a REAL pastor?
Ange Schroeder
9/14/2011 04:12:51 am
I don't agree with the amendment..it is already illegal- which I don't agree with either but why are we spending tax payers money to confirm that fact? What a waste of resources!! Could we not spend state govt money funding schools or something else that is more of a burning issue? I can't wait until a time when we won't have these discussions and marriage will be based on love and not gender.
Cole Gaskins
9/14/2011 04:16:11 am
Someone who actually teaches God's word correctly. No as they see fit but how it was written and in the correct context.
Susan Graffius
9/14/2011 04:16:29 am
Cole is trolling. don't feed the troll.
Cole Gaskins
9/14/2011 04:16:49 am
Yeah I'm a big ole troll who lives under a big ole bridge. I'm such a big bigot for believing this crazy God stuff. Yeah your right Susan.
Susan Graffius
9/14/2011 04:17:13 am
cole...your words, not mine. thanks for trying to speak for me. you got it wrong.
Robert Higdon
9/14/2011 04:17:40 am
I dont believe in same sex marriage BUT you cant help who you love. People say God hates it but God also hates when people steal and lie and kill and gossip! I can go on and on
Bo Dean
9/14/2011 04:18:32 am
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 04:20:56 am
I have a question, What does ones religious views have to do with Same Sex Couples?
Cole Gaskins
9/14/2011 04:23:31 am
Domestic partnership rights are also at stake. Oh no, we are going to lose that too?!?!? See how subtle it is?
Mac Montgomery
9/14/2011 04:24:07 am
There are hundreds of clergy in NC who will gladly talk about this issue..mainstream denominations, seminary educated, men and women who view the issue as one of God's love for everyone... want the list of some.. check the Wilmington Star-News two days ago
Michelle Li TV
9/14/2011 04:24:42 am
I don't understand. Domestic partnership rights are established in the state of NC. When I say they're at stake, I mean that if an amendment passes, people who are registered as DPs, may lose their benefits. DPs, may lose their benefits.
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 04:25:11 am
Cole, in the first place NO-ONE "actually teaches God's word correctly" because the bible was written by several different MEN and even then there were books left out of the bible because some of those men did not like what was said AND if you give a bible (any bible) to 100 different people, you will get 100 different teachings and interpretations. That is one of the reasons we have so many religions.
Cole Gaskins
9/14/2011 04:25:41 am
Oh yeah Mac God loves everyone he don't care about your sin. That's his job to love you right? Wrong.
Christina Horrell
9/14/2011 04:26:13 am
I believe this is the civil rights of our era. Much of the same defenses of this amendment were used to justify slavery, to justify women not be allowed rights. If these people truly were concerned about ,"protecting marriage" we would.criminalize adultery and ban divorce. They won't because those are "their rights". It's ok for children to have.parents that cheat or disrespect their spouses or people to get divorced after a year cause they were just young or after 30 years cause you just need something different. I personally don't believe any of it is ok but I believe.adults have the right to make adult.and hopefully educated decisions and can live with it. It's not for anyone else to say who or why you can marry someone. And the basis for.most of this nonsense is religion. Religion, in case anyone forgot, is a CHOICE! I know its a shock but its true. You wouldn't want the government to say "ok Christianity.can't be proven so no one can practice it anymore" now unfortunately a lot of Christians would ok that if it were any other religion being condemned. That's not what America.was founded on and those of you who think otherwise need a history lesson. A real informed one.
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 04:26:33 am
As far as same sex marriage....WHY does anyone care what two loving people do as long as it does not hurt others? One of the biggest problems we have in our country is there are too many busy bodies that have to stick their nose into other peoples private lives.
Mac Montgomery
9/14/2011 04:26:48 am
As a matter of fact Cole, God does love evryone...ut's we who don't love each other...
Ange Schroeder
9/14/2011 04:27:24 am
"if you dont like gay marriage, dont get gay married" its that simple
Robert Higdon
9/14/2011 04:27:53 am
The problem is Jesus never bashed the gays. All you hear in church from "real pastors" is them beating people up. Jesus preached on the Kingdom. "real preachers" push people away from God.
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 04:28:10 am
I think the "Christian" way of thinking needs a makeover. "Christians" have become too judgemental
Mac Montgomery
9/14/2011 04:29:46 am
@ Cole... I assume you consider yourself a Christian and thus know that the greatest single thing that Jesus preached was love.. love the Lord and love your neighbor.. and amazingly this theme is found throughout all the religions of the world
Clint Bullock
9/14/2011 04:30:19 am
This absolutely shouldnt be a religious issue, at all. This is discrimination, plain and simple. I don't care what antiquated bible verse you throw out.
Marilyn Tomasstti
9/14/2011 04:32:26 am
In the Beginning God created Man (ADAM) and for ADAM he created (EVE) God is love and he loves all!
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 04:32:49 am
Since I turned 50 this month I arrived in this world at the end of the civil rights era, but I do remember alot about it and yes I see the similarities
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 04:33:29 am
Roberta Atkisson Who created the others? The ones from the land of Nod?
Michelle Li TV
9/14/2011 04:36:00 am
What about what the reverend said in my post? He said that during the Civil Rights Era, people believed that blacks and whites were not supposed to marry because it was not God's will... does anyone remember those times? And if so, do you see the comparison today?
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 04:36:34 am
Michelle, I remember that as it was called "intermingling of the races" and just as that was b.s. then, it is b.s. now....I also remember that many of the preachers back then thought that black people were "inferior" to white people. If you look back through history it was usually this kind of warped thinking that either caused many of the wars or it was what prolonged them. Hatred and religion seems like it goes hand in hand sadly. Religion should be a personal thing and not something to base hate, prejudice or even dislike on...
Mac Montgomery
9/14/2011 04:36:49 am
I grew up during that time....
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 05:00:39 am
When I was 8 years old, I once asked my grandfather who was very religious "why he and grandma didn't go to church" (my other grandfather was a baptist minister) and I have always remembered his most eloquent answer!!! He looked at me and said "Son, your grandmother and I don't have to go and show others that we believe because our belief is between US and our god and we can do that right here at home"
John Smith
9/14/2011 05:01:01 am
same sex marriage has nothing to do with civil rights. It is a crime against nature and morality. Laws to approve it would be just as bad as approving abortion and other acts. People will convince you to believe anything if you here and see it long enough. Killing a child is wrong and preventing one by marying two of the same sex. sodomy was a crime and is still in many law books. It means more than just that tyle but it is the law
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 05:01:18 am
John, if same sex is a crime against nature then why are there animals that not only love on one another of the same sex but there are actually animals that can impregnate themselves? there are quite a number of animals that can self impregnate though it is definitely the exception and not the rule. Dendrobaena rubida is an example of this.
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 05:01:35 am
Same Sex relationships are as old as mankind, only difference is Someone chose to make an issue out of it. And John you are wrong to think it's not a Civil Rights issue, Any time someone, anyone is denied basic human rights is a Civil Rights issue. And getting married is a basic human right.
Michelle Y. Davis
9/14/2011 05:01:52 am
yes, mamn!
Jared Poindexter
9/14/2011 05:02:27 am
God did not create man to be with man or woman to be with woman. He created woman from the rib of man. Genesis 2:21-25. ANY QUESTIONS. I don't agree with it
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 05:03:16 am
Roberta, actually I will disagree with you just a tiny bit......"loving someone no matter who they are is a basic human right but marriage is a man-made rule".....smile
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 05:03:34 am
Thank You :)
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 05:12:35 am
: )
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 05:12:51 am
If we still lived the "Bible" way men would still have multiple wives
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 05:51:50 am
I remember the argument that God put diffferent races in different continents so he must have meant to keep them apart. I believe that there was once an argument that the Bible mentioned slavery without condemning it so he must have found it OK. Those make as much sense to me as the "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" arguments; i.e. none.
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 05:52:08 am
One of, if not the biggest problem I have with religion is this: I don't condemn others because they believe in their bible or their book because that IS their belief but don't you dare tell me I am going to hell because I don't happen to believe in the same thing you do or don't believe at all!!!!!
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 05:52:25 am
Here, Here Ron. I so do agree, or should I say "AMEN" brother,lol
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 05:52:37 am
Only if you believe....smile*
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 05:52:50 am
my husband and I have couple of freinds who mean the world to us, They are a gay couple who have so much love for each other, They are a great couple and super great friends, I want for them to have the right to marry just like we did, That would be one marriage You would'nt see in any divorce court
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 05:53:09 am
May I chime in with Ron and add: PLEASE don't tell me how sorry you feel for me and how my life must be meaningless. I have a full life and no one should feel sorry for me. Don't pray for me either. If you think prayer works, pray for people who really need help.
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 05:53:22 am
In my eyes it's wrong to deny them that one thing
Ron Shepard
9/14/2011 05:53:52 am
Angela, I could not agree with you more...smile.........I have had a life that some condemn while others have been jealous of as I have virtually lived two lives (there is a story there..ha) and I have seen all kinds of people some good, some bad and some terrible. You are right in that it irks me also to have someone tell me they will pray for me especially when they know my feelings towards organized religion.
Roberta Atkisson
9/14/2011 05:54:06 am
Prayer only works if you believe in Prayer, I for one don't believe in Prayer
Eric Sweeney
9/14/2011 07:35:09 am
Things need to change because N.C. Gays should have the right to be just as miserable as the rest of us straight people.
Eric Sweeney
9/14/2011 07:35:26 am
The only people who have ruined the sanctety of marraige are the straight christian people who spout about how special heterosexual marraige is and yet they have the highest infidelity and divorce rate in history..
Eric Sweeney
9/14/2011 07:35:58 am
Jared, God also did not intend for priests to enjoy the company of young boys either but the catholic church accepts and promotes that when they transfer those priests to other churches after certain incidents. But you dont want to admit to knowing that.
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:08:42 pm
shouldn't be. They chose to be that way. So why should we give special consideration to a people that choose to be different.
Michael McDaniel
9/14/2011 04:08:55 pm
that is an ignorant statement. i chose to be gay the same way i chose to be born with blue eyes. being gay is something you're born with, and like it or not, it's not going away.
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:09:09 pm
R u for real
Michael McDaniel
9/14/2011 04:09:20 pm
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:09:42 pm
What are these "special considerations"? Gay people should have the same rights as anyone else...including the right to marry the person they love.
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:09:52 pm
after first mating of you people end of species
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:10:04 pm
I'm not too worried about the species dying out.
Michael McDaniel
9/14/2011 04:10:17 pm
preaching and spreading hate an ignorance will kill our species much faster than allowing people to love who they want to love. you're far more dangerous than i ever could be.
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:10:29 pm
just stating the fact
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:10:41 pm
can't change truth
Gunner Beal
9/14/2011 04:10:56 pm
We do NOT choose this way. Unless youre gay and know what it's like, you have NO authority to say it's a choice.
Christy Burton Hudson
9/14/2011 04:11:11 pm
Richard, did you choose to be straight?
Crystal Hupp
9/14/2011 04:11:27 pm
Richard, the only fact that you are stating is that you are ignorant.
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:11:39 pm
What truth? The species isn't going anywhere and gay people don't choose to be gay. Don't cloak your homophobia in pseudoscience.
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:11:58 pm
listen to you people
Michael McDaniel
9/14/2011 04:12:08 pm
thankfully, the world is starting to. :)
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:12:29 pm
i stated the fact and truth, live with it. It is a choice!
Ali McCollum
9/14/2011 04:12:44 pm
If it was a choice, then why shouldn't they also have the choice to legally partner with who ever they want?
Ali McCollum
9/14/2011 04:13:19 pm
At one time women were viewed as less than. Any race other than the one in power was viewed as less than. THANKFULLY we learned to honor and respect each other and the value we give & things changed.
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:13:39 pm
So when did you give up being gay, Richard? You seem to know a lot about this choice thing.
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:13:56 pm
because it is against the law of God! Read Romans 1. God states it Himself.
Michael McDaniel
9/14/2011 04:14:09 pm
it's also against the law to eat shrimp.
Michael McDaniel
9/14/2011 04:14:26 pm
according to leviticus, but no one seems to care about that one.
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:14:39 pm
So I guess Jonah spent 3 days in the belly of that fish, too.
Ali McCollum
9/14/2011 04:14:59 pm
The assumption here being that everyone is a believer in that one religion.
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:15:07 pm
The Bible isn't a science textbook; in fact it's anything but. Claiming that gay is a choice because "the Bible said so" is meaningless.
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:15:21 pm
It is not a religion, it is a Relationship with the Creator of it all. you will one day answer to Him.
Michael McDaniel
9/14/2011 04:15:46 pm
11:9 These you may eat of all that are in the waters: whatever has fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, that you may eat.
Michael McDaniel
9/14/2011 04:15:57 pm
quoted directly from leviticus, chapter 11. how do you go about choosing which rules in the bible you follow, and which you do not? is there a user manual? i'm getting confused.
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:16:09 pm
To me that's like saying Santa Claus won't come on Christmas Eve if I misbehave. Not too compelling.
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:16:22 pm
You have a really cute kid in that picture. Are you going to disown her if she grows up and comes out?
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:16:36 pm
Have a great day in the Lord! She passed away 3 plus yrs agao!
Angela Allen
9/14/2011 04:16:47 pm
I'm sorry to hear that.
Gunner Beal
9/14/2011 04:17:04 pm
Richard Hines
9/14/2011 04:17:20 pm
How I got you all upset is from one statement. Hope you can overlook my opinion like I will overlook your opinions. be good
Gunner Beal
9/14/2011 04:17:34 pm
I respect your opinion, im just getting tired of hearing the same one all the time
Matt Headley
9/14/2011 04:17:50 pm
Looks like I will hopefully be able to help prevent government and religious intrusion to people's private lives in north Carolina on my birthday next year.
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