I recently cut the cheese and broke my knife. (Truth) As it happened, I felt a weird release and suddenly my knife sat in two pieces. The room temperature cheese should not have been the cause of the knife's demise. Since I still hadn't gouged out my eyes or anything, I decided to write Williams-Sonoma. After all, when I worked there in college, I sold these Henckels knives, boasted about the "full tang" and promised customers a lifetime warranty. I was less than impressed when the Williams-Sonoma rep told me to go straight to Henckels but I can't say I was surprised. She did give me the address for Henckels, so I thought I might as well try. I wrapped up the knife and sent it to the company, hoping for a replacement. It's just a pairing knife, but do you know how much they cost these days? Try $75. I wouldn't pay that price these days. I sent the letter on February 3rd. And 20 days later, I got this: I forgot that I had even sent away my paring knife but felt thrilled that Henckels replaced it for free.I think it was a reasonable amount of time to process my request and I'm just excited to have a new knife!
I would cut the cheese again if my doctor hadn't told me to lay off it for a while! Lesson learned: Always ask questions plus, send something away rather than throw it away.
Thank you, Madison! I still feel humbled, surprised and blessed for making Madison Magazine's Best of issue. So many of you had such nice things to say and I can't tell you how much that means to me. I know that every year there's a different winner (and I'm NOT even my favorite news person) but you know, it's just nice to be recognized and celebrate the moment. Thank YOU! You voted for me for best blog, best tweeter and best newscaster. Thank you for the kind words and as always, thanks for watching! Now go get the issue! This is how I find out where to spend my money--I found my dog kennel and my tailor this way! I am getting calls from this guy at least once a week. I can't tell if he likes me or hates me or both... or neither. Sometimes he calls twice in one night! One night Gary asked me if I liked the winter weather... I responded with something like "I survived last year, so I'm good, I'm all good." That is NO BUENO! And then recently I said, "Thanks guys!" to our viewers who watch us in the morning. Who wants to wear headphones when you can wear a hipster beanie with bluetooth? Check out where my finger is pointed... to speakers! It's way fashionable. I mean, do I look like this model or what? The 1 Voice beanie itself looks like any other beanie but this one has a power button and two little speakers that rest above your ears. You pair it with your device (phone) and you're off! A couple of things to note -- mine did not come with a charging device. That is fine if it's supposed to be that way but it was confusing at first. I thought I wouldn't be able to charge it but found that it worked with my Android charger. Also, when I was finished listening to Pandora, I hit the power button to turn it off. When that happened, it started calling the last person I had spoken with on my mobile phone. I hung up the phone and attempted to turn off the beanie again. And, it called that same contact again. So, I'm not sure if I did something incorrectly, but by the third time, I got it it to turn off by pushing the center of the power button. (Which I thought I was doing the first two times.) In terms of the sound quality, it's pretty impressive. I thought it was crisp and clear. I also liked the style of the beanie and it seemed warm.
I do wonder... how am I supposed to wash this? I guess by hand and without getting the speakers wet? Not sure... The 1 Voice Beanie retails for $59. You could buy a lot of earbuds with that kind of money but if you're a diehard beanie wear-er or someone who likes to run with a beanie, I think this worth a consideration. Now this is a gadget I can get behind. I actually found this a few months ago while looking for storage solutions in my 1950s home. I love my house but it could use a few more closets, ya'll. It's called the Cabidor (get it... cabinet + door) and it just attaches to your door hinges. There is a small plate that you have to screw into your door and that attracts a magnet on your cabidor -- meaning, the cabidor stays shut. Anyway, my personal thought is that if you need more storage, you should consider this. You can usually find a good deal on this at Costco and these cabinets come in different sizes. I have two -- one in my bathroom and one in a spare bedroom!
Can I ask a serious, personal question? How often do you wash your hair? The reason I ask is because it's become quite a topic of conversation around the newsroom lately. I used to be a once-a-day-wash type of gal but lately I've been wondering... am I damaging my hair? My stylist says yes. However, she also admits she doesn't like the feel of going longer than a day. So, what do you do? I have a lot of co-workers who say they do every other day. They use dry shampoo (which I do not like right now...) and they swear it's better for their follicles. My husband likes to lay off the soap every now and then, too. And I must admit, he has a great head of hair. I tried to wash my hair every other day for the last two weeks. But, after Thursday night I threw in the towel. I couldn't take it anymore! I had some crazy hair on air the last week on the days I didn't wash. I felt like I had hairspray residue and flyaways galore.
So... am I going to lose all my hair now? Does anyone have any suggestions to treat your hair better? I just wanted to share some pictures from Souper Bowl Saturday! The event raised money for the UW chapter of Habitat for Humanity. We had a really nice time hanging out with folks and serving up bowls of soup! This was the first time I had the chance to serve... if you've never been, it's a really neat set up. People get ceramic bowls made by art students. Plus, you get delicious soups from restaurants across the area. The event was held at Madison West High School and I literally saw everyone I see in the news -- from the chief of police, to the mayor, to the UW chancellor, to the Dane County supervisor... I mean, really an incredible community event! Plus, did I mention the soup?! I wish I had better video to showcase the UW band playing in the gym. They had so much energy and the sound completely filled the room. It was exciting! I could listen to them all day long. If you're on State Street, make sure you look up for the Kabul Restaurant. It's where the restaurant is getting a second chance on the second floor! Read Madison Magazine's Sip and Savor If you remember, the restaurant had to move from its original State Street location when the building's ownership changed hands. It is an Afghan-Mediterranean restaurant and it's one you won't regret visiting.
It's in this month's Madison Magazine! I write about the new bar, dishes to try and even a light night menu. In the meantime, check out these pictures. Don't they make your mouth water? I can't tell you how many times I've started a journal only to tear out pages in embarrassment. But I do have a few journals that I've kept throughout the years. I have a lovely travel journal from my first trip to Korea. It is so cool to go back and read about my fears, anxiety and elation meeting my birth family in 1998.
Anyway, I love keeping record of my own history. And I know many of you, do, too. I recently gave away a 10 year journal on Facebook. I asked what kind of juicy details you'd put in the journal... but instead, I got some really thoughtful and wonderful responses. Thank you for taking the time to write and thank you for the inspiration! |
September 2020