Has it really been a month since I started at KING? I am really trying to make it and it's just crazy right now. We are slowly but surely coming up for air... but I bet we've got a couple of months to get it together. Jim is doing really well - he is still working for the same company remotely but he's figuring out his new space in our home. Minnie and Piper love the new house because they don't have to deal with stairs and they love exploring the backyard. Having a good fence also keeps them from getting distracted with bunnies and random walkers. Here's what I've been learning about moving this time around (not counting the details of a new newsroom:) 1. I have to get healthcare through the exchange. WHY? Because we have to join SAG/Aftra and you have to make $30,000 in the union before you qualify for family coverage. So, that means for now I have to either get Cobra at $1,500 a month or use the exchange. NOTE: Do not go to healthcare.com -- pretty sure I almost got scammed... Stupid. Me. I just googled healthcare in Washington and got dumb and dumber on the phone. WATCH my first day 2. Buying furniture sucks. We have been using the floor and sharing one chair. Enough said. I went to IKEA two days in a row because of an ordering snafu... so hopefully I'll have a new couch by Thursday. Also, you get lost a lot on the way to buying furniture but the awesome views help you forget some stress. My second drive to IKEA allowed me to see Mt. Rainier... which really just looks like a hologram in the sky. 3. I'm pretty sure I'm about to drive with expired tags. If you narc on me, I will find you. I'll get to the DMV... eventually. 4. My parents are planning a trip. My friends are planning trips. I am excited but also like... heyyyyyy we lived only a day's drive away in Wisconsin for three years and all...I guess Seattle is perceived to be cooler. One good thing about living in the PNW is reconnecting with friends who've also left the Midwest. 5. I need to go to bed at 5 p.m. Oh, did I mention it's 6:30 p.m.? 6. Hiking can be intimidating. Everyone says it's easy and then when you do it, you nearly die. Granted, some friends are a little advanced. Joanna is a pretty athletic person and I always have to remind her that I get winded getting out of the car. She never believes me until I get cross-eyed walking up a hill. So, I'm working on it. So it is baby steps. Baby. Steps. We will get there eventually but we are really moving and grooving out here. It still doesn't feel like this is the new place we've chosen to be our home but we'll get there. And hopefully you'll come out for a visit this time!
:) Michelle
September 2020