Here are pics from the Red Cross Gala... my camera died early in the night, so this is all I got! What an amazing night. The American Red Cross is such a vital organization, and the services they provide are tremendous, whether it's from the "everyday" disasters or a tsunami. I've worked with the Red Cross on several different stories. I really learned of the organization's value after covering a severe tornado outbreak in Missouri in 2003. But, most of the time, I see volunteers working with families after a fire or a flood... the direct impact is truly a service to the community!
This smells like trouble, but I'm going to a gala tonight and thought it might be fun to test out. Frances Weller is the emcee... but there will be lots of TV folks there. We'll see how it goes! I need feedback! ![]() I don't want to embarrass anyone, so I won't name names... but I just thought this was so adorable and was touched someone asked me for advice! When I walked off set Thursday, I received this email. I took out some of the email's details for brevity and anonymity. Tell me if I gave good (or bad) advice! And what would you say?? Comment below or tell me on Facebook: Dear Michelle, My name is (****) and I really enjoy your reporting. I thought you might be a good person to turn to for advice since you seem very sensible and sophisticated. I met a really attractive and intelligent woman a few weeks ago. We had been talking for about a half hour and really developed a great rapport. We had even made tentative plans to meet for coffee sometime. Then, things suddenly went downhill. There was a pause in the conversation and I commented that she had a “really nice, hourglass figure”. I thought she would take it as a compliment but instead she became deeply offended. She said, "Excuse me? Why are you talking about my figure? You hardly know me." I went into damage control mode and tried to clarify my comments but I think I only exacerbated things as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. She told me I was being "inappropriate" and that she was "very disappointed" and started to walk away....then she came back and with a look of complete disgust, WHAP!, she slapped my face and departed. As I stood there alone rubbing my cheek, I was trying to figure out why she was so upset. Should I send her an apology note or do you think she wants no further contact? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEAR ANONYMOUS: Thank you for the nice comments… Now, I’m not a professional advice-giver, but if you know the girl, then you should definitely just send her an apology! Sometimes people don’t like to be told they’re anything BUT skinny… so, how could you have known? At the same time, I think a slap in the face was a bit extreme!! If you want to pursue it, then try one more time. But honestly, do you think you’d want to be with someone who slapped you? I guess if you guys get married then you’ll have a good story to tell your kids… but in reality, you may be better off without any extra drama. But then again, you’re talking to an old, married lady. The only drama I get is from my Korean soap operas. Michelle ![]() This little boy's name is Su Bin. He's looking for a forever family. Right now, Su Bin lives in Korea. He's such a sweet little boy, and his caretakers can't understand why he hasn't found a home yet. I just want to pinch his little cheeks! You can read more about Su Bin on Holt International's blog. I am even more excited about the post because apparently the work I did in Missouri helped inspire this "Waiting Child" feature on Holt's blog. At least, that's what the folks at Holt tell me! Maybe they were just being nice... but yesterday, one of the workers told me that one of their waiting children found a home because of the blog, and that's been the best news I've heard all week. Adoption is a huge part of my life. If you read this website, then you'll get used to hearing that. I won't apologize for it! Su Bin is a precious boy, and there's a $5,000 grant as well as reduced fees to help bring Su Bin home. This is now happening in Houston. It's called NewsFix and was the brainchild of former Tribune exec Lee Abrams. There are no anchors! It serves as a reminder of how much the media landscape has shifted... will it threaten the conventional news? It doesn't seem so, say experts... What do you think?! Let me know here or on my Facebook page! ![]() When I came into work Wednesday, there was a HUGE box sitting at my desk! I could barely believe my eyes! One of the nicest people I ever interviewed in Missouri sent me a wonderful goody box... Don Bishop and his wife Elise sent a little bit of love from the Midwest, and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Inside was a HUGE loaf of delicious banana bread as well as other items from their charity, University of Table Rock Lake. Decals, pens, t-shirts, mugs... you name it. I was so touched. That must've been an expense to send. Major Don has survived cancer - at least twice. And ever since, he's worked tirelessly to give kids with life-threatening illnesses a chance to have some good, old-fashioned fun. He and his wife Elise raise funds to get these exhausted families a vacation in the Table Rock Lake/Branson area. It's a perfect place for a family! Branson is always rated as one of the best family getaways in the U.S.
I was involved with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital when I lived in Missouri. Every year, we worked to raise money to fight childhood cancers, and I'm always so touched and overwhelmed to hear survival stories. It is so unfair that children experience cancer, but because of people like Don and his board members, a small miracle happens. A kid gets to be a kid, and a family gets to have some relief from a harsh reality. If you know of anyone who could benefit from their services, please contact them through their website. In the meantime, I had to take pictures for Don and Elise. Thank you so much! You guys are a blessing! Lately when I get home from work, I do one thing. I watch hours of Korean dramas. And it's getting ridiculous. Of course they're all on Hulu... I don't know why I'm just discovering this! My uncle and imo (auntie) in California started me on this treacherous course last year during a visit. She's a riot. Check out the fanny pack she bought me! She made me wear this all around San Francisco because my purse lacked a zipper. But, I digress. Korean dramas are actually very popular across the globe. They have this weird power of sucking you in. Joel McHale would have a field day... Anyway, I'm playing catch up to an older (teen) drama called Boys Before Flowers. It's about a headstrong girl who receives a scholarship to attend one of Korea's most exclusive schools. She gets bullied at first, but then two of the most popular boys (who belong to a billionaire's club) fall in love with her. Like I said, ridiculous. But, from a cultural aspect, it's really fun! It's interesting to see what's popular in Korean culture. (ie: The main character calls herself a "zero-defect girl" because she hadn't even kissed anyone yet!) It makes me think of so many immigrants I've met over the years who told me they learned English through American television. It's actually pretty cool. Anyway... anyone can enjoy. They all have English subtitles! If you want to message me here or on Facebook, I'll keep you posted on the drama. :) Aflac has apparently fired comedian Gilbert Gottfried after he posted a string of tasteless jokes about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan via Twitter.
The comedian became Aflac's famous quacking duck in the U.S. He's been the voice of the duck in commercials since 2000. Aflac does 75 percent of its business in Japan. A company spokesman also said the jokes do not represent the feelings of the company. Gottfried's Twitter page has been wiped clean of his tasteless jokes, but here's the screen grab of the original posting: ***LANGUAGE WARNING*** For a while now I've wanted to get eyelash extensions. CJ at Bangz showed me hers the other day... how beautiful are those things?!
Apparently, CJ also just started doing extensions. It's kind of like getting your nails done, if you ask me. You get a full set, and then in a few weeks, you come back for a fill. She says you don't even have to wear mascara because the adhesive sort of looks like mascara! I love it! I'm worried I might be too hard on my lashes, so I'd love to hear from anyone who's had it done. Either comment here or on my FB. Jeremy Godwin's reacion is priceless! He called me this morning and asked me if I wanted to lunch while watching the Tar Heels play Miami. UNC played like crap the whole game, but check out what happened with 00:00:01 left in the game-- it made the patrons at Carolina Ale House freak! Great time today after a long night skyping with a friend about the tsunami in Japan. |
September 2020