Mark your calendars! An eye-opening film screening and discussion is going on Friday, March 11th. The Lazarus Effect is showing at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Church (4313 Lake Ave.) and sponsored by the group, One. The film shows how someone with AIDS can undergo a remarkable transformation in less than 40 days! One's mission is to fight extreme poverty on some of the poorest places on Earth, particularly in Africa. It's a total grassroots effort, led by Rachel Fox. I think her passion is really something... THE Spike Jonze... is the executive director, so it's gotta be good, right! Hopefully it will be enlightening.
I didn't even realize it was International Women's Day until the day was half over. I was asked to do a liveshot on an event downtown that celebrated IWD... and met some fantastic women and young girls. The cutest thing ever was interviewing a little 10-year-old girl... she said back in the day, women weren't allowed to work outside the home, but nowdays they can go shopping with their own money! Adorable! The whole time, I was thinking I don't want to spend ANY of MY money! LOL! Anyway, great event. I love it when women empower one another and encourage young people. Tremendous event! Hope it comes back next year! Check this out! It's New Hanover County's new Citizens in Action promo. I wish I had better hair in it, but it was really fun! I loved everyone else's responses. They all did such a great job! What is the Citizens Academy? It's New Hanover County's way of educating curious people about county government. We are the first group to go through the course.
Personally, I am having a ball. I'm learning a lot from some really dedicated county workers, and I think all of the participants are enjoying themselves. I like the fact that the group asks tough questions. I just observe for the most part, but some of these local activists are really involved! You have to admire that kind of tenacity from citizens who don't get paid to participate in local government. Anyway, my thumbs up to the county. It's been a really great program. Our "graduation" is April 4th! Thalian Hall's big fundraiser was this weekend-- what a great event! World-renowned artist George Pocheptsov created two pieces specifically for the night to give away for auction. He was compared to Picasso when he was a kid and paints truly breathtaking art! His artwork has sold for more than $100,000 to people like Celine Dion, Colin Powell and Michael Jordan. Mrs. International, Shannon Devine, was also a celebrity guest. I admire her because of her dedication to adoption. Her little girl was born in Vietnam and is absolutely preciousl Shannon will be in Washington D.C. as the keynote speaker for the National Adoption Conference this July. WECT-WSFX producer Nikki Bussey and I had such a great time meeting so many guests! We probably had a little too much fun playing blackjack with our fake money. What a wonderful event! See more pictures on my Facebook page!
Time sure flies when you're having fun! I went back to Missouri for the weekend, and next thing you know, nearly a week went by since I posted anything. Not cool. Anyway... when I was back in Missouri, I surprised my husband with a trip to Big Cedar-- that's Bass Pro's resort south of Branson. And, it is awesome. I also invited his family and my parents down for the surprise! That really threw my hubby for a loop! Check out the birthday cake! Notice anything missing? And then... on my way back to North Carolina, I saw crispy, sour cream and onion crickets for sale in the gift shop. Is that normal? Who eats these? Seriously? I know people eat crickets... but I thought that was just on The Food Network. Back in North Carolina... Thursday and Friday night there is a great play going on at North Brunswick High School. It's about bullying... but what's most important is that the students wrote it themselves.
I have to tell ya... I was really touched when I watched a part of it. You should see it! 7 p.m. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Admission is $2. |
September 2020