I am never surprised, yet always amazed at how angry people get when we go wall-to-wall with coverage. We could be on the air about a tornado, a hurricane or a wildfire...and people will still manage to take the time to look up our phone number just to scream about a program they're missing. It's okay. It's their right. And since this is my blog, I'm writing my opinion, too. When there's an imminent danger to lives or property (but especially lives), then we have an obligation to be on air. For God's Sake, there was a wildfire in a city today. It wasn't in a wooded area, but an actual city... near homes, schools and businesses. The fire is expected to burn throughout the night. [See a slideshow of pictures] Also, check out more pics from Nathan Benton: People had damage to their homes. Others had to be evacuated. Some people were walking on the cross-city trail in Wilmington when the fire got out of control.
These are the times when local news counts the most. I'm sorry some of you missed "Jeopardy!", especially since a local woman was on. We were upset, too. And we worked with the show's handlers to get permission to air it overnight. Sure, it stinks, but that's how it goes. For the record, most people applauded our coverage. I am not asking for applause, just understanding. Hope you'll continue watching.
Sara Kellogg
4/16/2012 12:41:34 pm
Well said, Michelle. No matter what you do or say, someone will always find something to complain about. Keep up the good work, WECT and thanks for your coverage today.
Adrian Lashua
4/16/2012 12:44:51 pm
The sheeple will always find something to complain about and usually something petty as well.
Kimberly Riffle
4/16/2012 12:46:49 pm
I appreciate your coverage, we live in Pine Valley, I am out of state. My husband was evacuated along with our 3 puppies! I was scared to death and your coverage helped me understand what was going on! Thank you! Please.ignore the selfish people who needed their tv shows to have a life!
Ann Guyton
4/16/2012 04:50:35 pm
A-men Kimberly!
Billie Lennon
4/16/2012 12:48:14 pm
Great Job on the coverage of the wildfires today .. Hope everyone remains to stay safe. Also, great pics of the wonderful men, women, with their equipment and aircraft who risk their lives each and everyday to protect our lives and property !!! GOOD BLESS THEM ALL !!! .. Keep up the good work. And, Thank You, Michelle, for words well said :-)
4/16/2012 12:49:51 pm
I think it is WECT's responsibility to air whatever they feel is the most important to the community as a whole. I don't feel Jeopardy should have taken priority over a community danger! There will always be grateful people and there will always be complainers. Keep doing what you do. The MAJORITY of us appreciate you and your decisions. The MINORITY will complain regardless.
Teena Woodward
4/16/2012 12:55:21 pm
You can't please them all. if it was in their neighborhood and was not on local news you would have people screaming why not! I live in Pender, near a lot wooded areas, and just cause we're in the woods don't mean there's no homes in those woods. Point is y'all are great keep up the work and I hope if something happens my way or my family's way I can count on y'all to tell me. Ignore ignorance!
Chrissy Guma
4/16/2012 12:55:23 pm
I think you all did a great job as always. You can't make everyone happy but I'm sure the people that complained would be the first ones screaming if it was their neighborhood and noone covered it. Keep up the great work!
Doug Secor
4/16/2012 12:55:51 pm
Michelle.....old saying used pretty often "you cant make all the people happy all the time....just some of the people some of the time." Never ever question what you guys do, you should be commended for EVERY SECOND OF COVERAGE. FOR GODS SAKE...You put your lives in danger sometimes(probably alot more then the public realizes). Keep up the great work and I will continue to watch @ least 2x a day to your coverage. Please thank EVERYONE for what you all do on a daily basis.
4/16/2012 12:56:05 pm
You can't please everybody, but if the homes of those who complained were in danger, they would most certainly be singing a different tune. It is your job to report dangerous situations to the public.
Kimberly Si Riffle
4/16/2012 12:56:21 pm
Thank you again for your coverage! I appreciate it as my home is in Pine Valley and so was my husband and our puppies! I was out of state and scared to death ! Sad for people that have no life other than their tv shows! Especially living in a place that offers so much to do outside!
Devery Greene- Corp
4/16/2012 12:56:51 pm
As is the case all too often, some people can only think of themselves. Sometimes it's necessary to have the wall-to-wall coverage for the greater good. Great job! Thanks...
Tiffany Greene
4/16/2012 12:57:04 pm
You all did amazing job covering the fire!! I live in Brunswick County and I appreciate the coverage! Keep up the good work!! ♥ WECT!!
Ray Dennis
4/16/2012 12:57:20 pm
Like I stated earlier..........There are self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish "IDIOTS" among us. We just have to live with them because, in America they have the right to act that way.
Frank Jones
4/16/2012 12:59:35 pm
During the coverage why wasn’t a shelter ever mentioned? You were telling people to evacuate their houses but never mentioned where for them to go.
4/16/2012 01:00:23 pm
There are events that occur daily that have an impact on us either directly or indirectly. It is most important to get information about those events in a timely manner when public safety is involved. I understand and sympathize with those that missed the airing of shows they wanted to watch; however I see the necessity of public safety over public pleasure.
4/16/2012 01:19:40 pm
Please spare me that someone thinks Jeopardy and Wheel are more important than a major fire in the center of our city! This was a very volatile situation that affects thousands of people. I guess these people would rather burn while watching Jeopardy - DVR those game shows later tonight all you complaining idiots. Kudos to WECT/WSFX and to all of the brave first responders who put themselves in harms way. Wall to wall coverage is appreciated by the majority, Ignore the ignorant complainers!
4/16/2012 01:28:23 pm
Great coverage but... where was our Mayor? An incredibly important incident ..a fire...an incredibly strong fire that was , thankfully contained
Mark Squires
4/16/2012 01:29:22 pm
Thanks to all the fire,police for your help and WECT for all the updates and news on the fire you'll our Heros,God Bless everone of you.
Jays Junk
4/16/2012 01:29:44 pm
If it were near my home I would want the coverage too . . . you had the best coverage of all the local stations . . . cbs had the NC governor debate . . . are you kidding me . . . I would rather stab myself in the eye with a pencil than listen to those lying democrats
Amanda Ferrell
4/16/2012 01:30:07 pm
I think it was the responsible thing to do by having continuous coverage of the fire...it really gets under my skin how cold some people can be...if it doesn't effect them directly then they dont care...so, let THEIR life be in jeopardy and let's see who screams foul!! Nice Job btw =)
Melanie Williams
4/16/2012 01:30:25 pm
Well said Michelle!! You guys did what was right, and I for one think ya'll have done a wonderful job!! ♥
Maureen Wofford
4/16/2012 01:30:51 pm
somebody might lose their home, property, or their life while someone else misses a spin on Wheel of Fortune. Geez... priorities people!
Bobby Grissom
4/16/2012 01:31:04 pm
E Moore Stanfield
4/16/2012 01:31:20 pm
Thanks for doing what's best for the community. If you don't want to watch it, turn the channel.
Mark Squires
4/16/2012 01:36:12 pm
Elaine Harrington
4/16/2012 01:36:32 pm
Great job..to help the public to be out of harms way, and to let others know what is going on is a responsibility you do not take lightly. Thank you for your professionalism.
Anthony Marzano
4/16/2012 01:36:47 pm
You did the right thing!
Jami Key
4/16/2012 01:37:11 pm
There are always people on the news sites that gripe and complain about the smallest of things. I bet if it were their home or property that was in jeopardy and it wasn't covered you would hear complaining about the lack of coverage. I am convinced that some people just sit in front of their computer waiting to gripe about something.
Jill Maguire
4/16/2012 01:37:32 pm
You were fantastic! Some people are so unhappy it makes them fill better when their happiness spills onto others! Thank you for risking yourself to provide news for others! I was worried about you!!! :)
Monolito Tart
4/16/2012 01:37:49 pm
Ummm.....people are stupid
Kathy Tolley
4/16/2012 01:38:13 pm
I believe that a fire threatening a large neighborhood is more important than Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy. That's what professional newscasting is all about.
Jeff Cook
4/16/2012 01:38:31 pm
What is.... who gives a care about the crackpots calling to complain about missing Jeoparday??.. It was surreal how much time you spent apologizing for pre-empting Jeopardy! Those calling to complain are not worth the constant airtime or your worry! All of you did the right thing by doing your Jobs and Reporting and need to stop worrying.
Rebecca Harran
4/16/2012 01:39:12 pm
You always do a great job! I was away from the TV and thanks for answering my question. I am and have always been proud to be part of the WECT team in my little way!
Kathleen Canizaro
4/16/2012 01:39:57 pm
Someone actually got mad and made a comment asking if there had been a sporting event, like there was when the Hampstead fire was going on would the news still cover the event or switch to the sports? I mentioned there was indeed a hockey playoff game tonight at 7:30. The news anchors did a wonderful job, alerting all involved about the fires, dangers, evacuations and road closures and eventually, the hockey game was joined in progress. Thank you Michelle Li, and your team for keeping us informed!!
Tara Denise
4/16/2012 01:40:21 pm
I agree w/ U 1oo% Michelle! Even though I am not in the path of the fire, I appreciate all and any continued coverage on breaking news. WECT6 is and continues give the best wall to wall coverage and for that I say "THANK YOU"!♥
Jessica Lynn
4/16/2012 01:40:40 pm
Jake messaged me and told me to get dressed because there was a wildfire on 17th. I freaked out and almost came in to help you guys. Before I tuned in I thought it was closer to me. You guys handled it so well! I wish I could've made it to help out a little more around the newsroom. I am sure Nikki was not feeling to great with it being so close to home!
Vickie Jarvis
4/16/2012 01:40:56 pm
Did a very good job on the coverage!!!I pray no one was hurt
Mary Jo Eason
4/16/2012 01:41:12 pm
You always do a great job Michelle we just love you!! always alot of fun and laughter now on 6 even the rest seem funnier lol no u all do a good job:)
Jill Maguire
4/16/2012 01:41:29 pm
You and the entire team were wonderful! I have a few words for those people but I will keep them to myself!!
Suzanne Jalot
4/16/2012 01:41:53 pm
I think the coverage was great and the right thing to do. If you had not done extended coverage, those same people who complained about missing Jeopardy would have been complaining that you DIDN'T do enough if the fire had gotten worse or was affecting their own homes. I live in the area but was not in the "danger zone" and I was still interested in the coverage. Sadly, there are just some people who are not satisfied with life unless they are complaining about something. There is nothing you can do to please these people so ignore them and know that your team made the right decision!
Kathleen Canizaro
4/16/2012 01:42:08 pm
Thank for reporting the news. Real news! When homes, neighborhoods and business are in jeopardy, and roads are blocked off in all directions, it is nice to have dependable teams, like you and Jon.
Mark Herbert
4/16/2012 01:42:21 pm
just to reiterate waht everyone else is saying.r I can say that on a very important situation such as this you can't go wrong with a focus on a Real concerns of the people at hand for the day.. thanks!
Darcie DesVoigne Watson
4/16/2012 01:42:35 pm
Thank you all for the coverage!
4/16/2012 01:44:26 pm
missing some tv shows and not worried for neighbors who need news.. really people? great job WECT and Michelle and Jon!
Sandra Jean Miller
4/16/2012 01:45:49 pm
This is the reason I watch WECT. and FOX ...the best news coverage with the best anchors around. Caring for the people of the local community is felt every time you take to the air! Thank you for all you do each and everyday!!!
Matt Headley
4/16/2012 01:46:06 pm
I guess when you get old and you no longer care about anything else besides wheel of fortune and jeopardy, that's what happens
Elli Klein
4/16/2012 01:46:53 pm
yes you did!
Children At Heart
4/16/2012 01:47:30 pm
i appreciated the coverage - and since jeopardy will be aired later, hopefully that will make people feel better who missed it!
4/16/2012 01:55:43 pm
I agree- where was our Mayor! Major streets closed off- neighborhoods evacuated, where is the Mayor? Was he too busy dressing up as a woman for some random fundraiser?
Rob Mody
4/16/2012 03:10:39 pm
Michelle as someone who has had a 17 year career in this same industry I have had this same issue when I was in local news. Amazing how crazy people get when they miss Jeopardy or God forbid Wheel of Fortune, they say things like "but l live in Lumberton" like you can change who sees what! Their lives become so interrupted just because they miss a game show, it's sad in so many ways. I agree that wall to wall is the best way to get information out and it's very tiring to do. I've done it for weeks at a time! I think you all did a great job today and sometimes doing the job the right way doesn't make everyone happy.
4/16/2012 06:34:09 pm
Well I quit watching the news cause I like to surround my self with positive thinking and your news today cont promote positive its always negative thinking so I'm mad anytime you interupt anything I watch you people are getting fame and fortune of others misfortunes and now you complain about them complaining try bringing some positive thinking and maybe you would get some in return
Penny Smith
4/17/2012 12:49:27 am
thank you for using my son's (Nathan Benton) pictures & mentioning his name.
4/17/2012 03:33:01 am
No problem! They were really great.
Thomas Grigg
4/17/2012 03:33:30 am
I'll say thank you for the coverage since we lived a block away from area covered.
Chasity May
4/17/2012 03:34:02 am
I think that you all did a wonderful job, and also to the firefighters and officers!
Madeleine Bombeld
4/17/2012 03:34:22 am
You and the rest of the team did the right thing!
Robert Higdon
4/17/2012 03:35:51 am
You guys were AWESOME!!! GREAT JOB
Celia Winters
4/17/2012 03:36:12 am
Consider the source and move on - no matter how and what you cover, there will be some one(s) that don't like it. It is their nature - they are called pessimists!
Gerry Barto
4/17/2012 03:36:31 am
It's local and it's big news. What's there to get mad about?
Melissa Thomas
4/17/2012 04:14:48 am
I live in BSL and really appreciated the coverage especially since I know people who live in that area. Excellent job as always!
I can not believe how people are. I just read this with my mouth wide open in shock. Guess it makes sense that someone will always complain about something, but I was too wrapped up in the fear then relief of it all to think that others would be so intense about prerecorded entertainment instead of coverage of what very easily could have been a life & death situation. If the news isn't there to inform and comfort in times like these, what is it for?
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