I was one of the last voters in my polling place. As I walked out, the clock hit 7:30 p.m. It's always weird voting for the first time in a new place. The last time I voted, I was in Missouri...where you DON'T have to register under a party affiliation. Today, the guy behind me said he was also a new voter and was trying to register under an affiliation. I don't think he got very far. Also, I find it a little odd that you don't have to show a voter ID card or a picture ID. I feel like I could be anybody. What's stopping someone from voting early as themselves and then voting as someone else the day of the election? I digress. It was an interesting election. First of all, the state board of elections folks said there was an uptick of voters during the last few hours of polls being open. The marriage amendment seemed to bring out more voters, too. The turnout from 2012 could surpass the 2008 primary. In case you've been living under a rock, there was a constitutional amendment on the table asking voters if marriage should be legally defined between a man and a woman. It passed. That means we'll likely change our state constitution, even though same sex marriage is currently banned in the state. North Carolina is now the 30th state to make this kind of move. [Is this our generation's Civil Rights issue?] There were also some surprises in our local and regional elections, too. The race was especially close for a congressional seat between Ilario Pantano and David Rouzer. Rouzer won, despite Pantano putting up a good fight. Pantano was hoping to have a rematch between Democrat incumbent Mike McIntyre. Also, New Hanover County commissioner Jason Thompson got voted out of his seat. Thompson has been involved with city and county government for quite some time and even said during out 10 p.m. newscast that he was surely going to be looking at a run-off situation. A lot changed between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. And, Charles Warren from Brunswick County failed to move on from his primary. The commissioner has had one heck of a bad year fighting with fellow board members. Tonight, the woman Warren kicked out of a county meeting...ended up kicking him out of his seat. Politics are like sports. There are winners and losers. There are fanatics, blogs, watch parties, and big to-dos. And in both cases, no matter how passionate you are, there's a good chance the outcome won't immediately or directly impact your family. However, it doesn't stop us from caring. And hopefully, it doesn't stop us from voting either. We may not like all of the outcomes, but at least we took advantage of the chance to be heard. On a much lighter note - look what happened while I was out field anchoring! Hugs all around! Let's see how many hugs I can get out on future liveshots! ::)
Juni Davis
5/9/2012 04:39:34 am
While not a New Hanover resident any longer, I must say that I am so sorry that Jason Thompson lost his bid for reelection. I do not know him, have not even met him, but he has worked hard for Wilmington and New Hanover County. He is often the one who will stand firm in a position that is not "one to go along with the crowd."
5/9/2012 04:57:24 pm
Not happy about the 7th being redrawn and being denied the chance to vote for who I wanted.
Chef Mark
5/9/2012 04:57:55 pm
I agree it is very strange about not having to show an id to vote.
Christy Hudson
5/9/2012 04:58:22 pm
I am glad it is over! People are still running their mouths spreading things that aren't even true.....
Matt Headley
5/9/2012 04:59:07 pm
Michelle, I'm confused by this. Coming from NJ I was very excited to be afforded the opportunity to choose how I wanted to vote in a primary, because I registered as Unaffiliated. In NJ you can only vote in the primary you registered for. In NC, You can register as either Republican, Democrat, or Unaffiliated. If unaffiliated, in a primary, you can choose to vote on either a (barebones) unaffiliated list, a republican candidates list, or a democrat candidates list. Everyone votes the same general election list of course.
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