I couldn't beat the early birds today but I did manage to get to Lowes Foods around 10 a.m. There were still many deals to be had, but the sentiment I'm hearing is that the deals weren't spectacular. That being said, people seem to be grateful that Lowes Foods is getting in on the coupon game. Another thing to keep in mind is that many of these shoppers are used to getting things for cheap or free at Lowes' rival store, Harris Teeter. One person wrote on I Got it Free with Coupons: "I am personally disgusted that they decided to raise the prices on everything today. I took note of the prices the night before. One example would be that the Kikkoman Sweet and Sour Sauce was 1.50 last night but today was somehow 2.55 a bottle. I don't plan to shop with them again unless it's for free or next to free ever again." Perhaps, the most positive response I could find came from FB friend, Jenny: "Just got back from Lowes. I bought 2 All detergents, 2 Silk Soymilks, 3 packages of Gardein Chicken Strips, 2 boxes whole wheat pasta and 2 (3) packs of zest soap all for $6.97!! I saved $32.63! Not bad for my first ever Super Coupon adventure! :)" Overall, the reviews seem to be mixed: · Melissa Comstock Thomas I loved my trip this morning! Saved 51% although, yes, the deals werent as spectacular as HT has been. HT has us spoiled ;) Sandi Vulfs Gessner I went early this morning and there were only about 4 of us in the store. That alone made my morning :) I also agree that the deals weren't as spectacular as HT, but still thankful for my $87.88 - $17.26 Rew Card - $18 Reg Cpn Sav - $18 Double Cp Sav for a total of $36.63....and every item I purchased were things we use regularly. Looking forward to round 2 at HT next week :) Sara Kellogg Yeah it wasn't that great, but I did get some freebies: 4 bottles deer park sparkling water, 2 soft soap hand pumps, 2 whole grain mueller's pasta, 3 oral-b dental floss and I think that's it for freebies.I spent 15.36 and saved $65 dollars. I wasn't disappointed with the sales that much, but the cashiers didn't seem to be real knowledgeable on the coupon policy. It seems to be a lot faster and easier at Teeter, but I'm thankful for the money I saved today. I may make one more trip later in the week. As for me, I personally had a good day, though I have had better savings. The thing that's missing in this picture is my Seattle's Best Coffee. It was on sale for $6.99 plus I had a $1.50 coupon that doubled. In all, I spent $37.70 on $81.43 worth of items. That's about a 46-percent savings. I'm always hoping for at least 40-percent, so I met my goal. All of my coupons doubled. Sometimes a coupon will specifically say DO NOT DOUBLE, but not this time.
The deals continue at Lowes through next Tuesday, the 14th. If you've got a great deal or an awesome shopping trip to share, send it to me! I'd love to see it.
Yvonne Sexton
2/8/2012 11:29:36 am
I wasn't really thrilled either. I did get my Seattle's Best Coffee and Smithfield Bacon. I will be going back to stock up on those things but Harris Teeter is still #1 in my book :)
2/8/2012 12:19:31 pm
I need to go back and get my Smithfield bacon! I guess I'll be making another trip in the morning! I looked at HT and it's not on sale, at least not this week... I'll be so annoyed if it's on super sale next week and I used my Qs at Lowes.
2/10/2012 12:21:16 am
I went in after seeing some of the items you purchased. I was able to get Scope Outlast, Gillette Shave Gel, Pampers Cruisers & Swiffer Duster at a 57% savings. I spent $11.52 and saved $15.45 (plan to post picture on your facebook). They were out of a few other items, so I will have to go back or to another location before Tuesday. Thanks for the updates.
Michelle Li
2/10/2012 07:52:13 am
That makes me so happy, Taylor! I'm so glad that you were able to save money because it was on the news! Keep shopping!
2/12/2012 08:58:36 am
i got the mcain potatoes for free, muellers pasta for free, heinz 57honey version for .49ea, gillette body wash1.49, found several mens gillette aftershaves on clearance and with my double coupons paid 1.30 oop
2/12/2012 08:59:49 am
i also got the scope for .99 too
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