WARNING. GRAPHIC PICS AHEAD. Jim and I were headed back from Chicago feeling like big winners with a bag of gummy worms, a CVS cheese sandwich and a golden Emmy. We were following traffic when the car in front of us moved lanes, leaving us with a split second to see a freshly killed deer in the center of I-90. We couldn't switch lanes because cars were on either side of us. "Hold on," said Jim. I did. When we parked our car in the garage, we could smell something "gamey"... and when the sun came up the next day, we had to take care of it. Poor deer. We had no choice but to hit it but it was pretty gross. I won't share all the pics but we took them just in case we had damage to report to insurance.
Has that ever happened to you? Our car appears to be okay, but I feel really bad for the roadkill. Also, I think we saw the car that hit it and it was such a tiny vehicle. I sometimes feel guilty owning an SUV but I'm always happy to have one on the interstate. I once got hit by a drunk driver on I-44 in Missouri while driving a little bitty Honda... and that was enough to propel me into a bigger car.
September 2020