Big thanks to my friend Medy from Missouri... for giving me an awesome adobo chicken recipe! Did you know adobo chicken is one of the most popular Filipino dishes? I am always a little nervous committing to a new recipe, but this was VERY easy and chances are, you've got most of the ingredients in your house. You should put it on the list! See the Food Network recipe Here's Medy's recipe. Try it!! It's delicious. And, it still tastes awesome when you skim away the fat! When I made mine, I did not add pork because I did not have pork... and in one batch I forgot the ginger and it turned out fine!
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My pups were going berserk as I tried to make corndog muffins. It was a PINTEREST FAIL. Too much corn, not enough dog! Next time I'll use mini muffin pans.
See original pin But, Minnie and Piper couldn't keep away from the kitchen tonight. They'd run in like a school of fish and circle me, hoping that I'd drop some muffin mix. And, I did. I couldn't keep a steady hand and kept dripping all over their heads. I thought they might lick it off each other, but NOPE. It just got super crusty and I had to wash it off later. More work for mom, as usual. |
September 2020