I've been involved with a couple of bullying initiatives lately, and I wanted to leave these with you for reference. Bullying is such an important issue in our schools but also our communities. Bullying can turn to youth violence, suicides, and do so much damage to a person.
I recently moderated a couple of discussions that I think could help. If you're interested in the subject, push play and let it go.. or sit down and watch.
YouTube: Taking a Stand Against Bullying discussion YouTube: The Bully Project: Leaders tackle bullying in schools and communities Iron Man 3 Mania has clearly hit Wilmington... For anyone living under a rock OR perhaps reading from outside of Wilmywood, IM3 was shot our backyard. It really has a lot of people proud to live in the beautiful Coastal Carolinas... and a lot of people feel close to the movie because they got to be background actors.
Here's a little extra behind the scenes info:
It's Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! I love May for several reasons and this is just another one of them. It's fun to talk about diversity, food, culture, and dreams. And, that's what was talking about recently in a Google Plus Hangout with the following peeps: * Konrad Ng, Director of the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center. * Kiran Ahuja, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI). * Phil Yu, the blogger behind Angry Asian Man. * Lisa Ling, journalist, writer, and host of "Our America with Lisa Ling." A couple of cool things to metnion - one of my questions on Twitter got asked! Thank you @LisaLing for that one. Also, Lisa Ling brought up Springfield, Missouri's cashew chicken. It's around the 32:00 mark. If you're from SWMO, you know what that's about. Cool! I am honored to help moderate another Google Plus hangout on bullying! We recently held a hangout on bullying with Wilmington Police, New Hanover County schools and The Bully Project.
I hope you'll join me for this next hangout on May 2nd at 3 p.m. EST. Here is the event link. Click to watch LIVE on YouTube and start commenting! -------------------------- Here are the guests: Jamie Greene Kaniarz, Defeat the Label Executive Director Kevin Epling, Co-Director Bully Police USA Glen R. Stutzky M.S.W., Clinical Instructor, School of Social Work Michigan State University Noopur Agarwal, Vice President, MTV Public Affairs |
September 2020